
Go to Allah Before its to Late

13th Rabi-Al-Thani, 1446 - Wed, 16th Oct, 2024 -

  • Fajr: 4:48 AM
  • Zuhr: 11:53 AM
  • Asr: 3:05 PM
  • Magrib: 5:32 PM
  • Isha: 7:02 PM
  • Jumah:2:00 PM

Exploring Para 10 “Wa-’aʿlamū” from the Quran

A Message of Knowledge and Divine Instruction

in the  Para 10 Wa-’aʿlamū The Quran, as the final revelation, serves as a source of guidance for humanity in every aspect of life. It offers not only spiritual insights but also ethical, moral, and social guidance. One of the key phrases found in Para 10 of the Quran is “Wa-’aʿlamū”, which translates to “And know” or “Be aware”. This phrase occurs in several important verses and is often used to emphasize the importance of understanding and remembering divine instructions.

 Para 10 Wa-’aʿlamū  Para 10 Wa-’aʿlamū  Para 10 Wa-’aʿlamū  Para 10 Wa-’aʿlamū  Para 10 Wa-’aʿlamū  Para 10 Wa-’aʿlamū  Para 10 Wa-’aʿlamū  Para 10 Wa-’aʿlamū  Para 10 Wa-’aʿlamū  Para 10 Wa-’aʿlamū  Para 10 Wa-’aʿlamū  Para 10 Wa-’aʿlamū  Para 10 Wa-’aʿlamū  Para 10 Wa-’aʿlamū  Para 10 Wa-’aʿlamū  Para 10 Wa-’aʿlamū  Para 10 Wa-’aʿlamū  Para 10 Wa-’aʿlamū


In Para 10, we encounter this phrase in multiple contexts, each teaching a unique lesson that is central to a Muslim’s spiritual and practical life. Let’s delve into the meaning of “Wa-’aʿlamū” and explore the wisdom behind the verses that include this powerful reminder.

The Significance of “Wa-’aʿlamū”

In the Quran, whenever Allah says “Wa-’aʿlamū”, it is a command to the believers to understand something of critical importance. It calls the attention of the listener or reader to reflect deeply on the upcoming message. This phrase is not just about knowledge in the intellectual sense; it calls for an awareness that is rooted in both the heart and mind.

One of the most prominent places where this phrase occurs is in Surah Al-Anfal, and starting in surah tawbah which is located in Para 10. In this context, “Wa-’aʿlamū” appears in verses related to warfare, unity, and sacrifice for the cause of Allah.

“Wa-’aʿlamū” in Surah Al-Anfal

Surah Al-Anfal is a chapter revealed after the Battle of Badr, one of the most significant events in early Islamic history. This battle was a turning point for the nascent Muslim community, as they faced a much larger army of the Quraysh and emerged victorious through the help of Allah. The chapter reflects on themes of war, victory, and the reliance on Allah’s support.

One of the key verses where “Wa-’aʿlamū” is used in this surah is:

“Wa-’aʿlamū anna Allaha maʿa al-muttaqīn”
Translation: “And know that Allah is with those who are conscious of Him (the righteous).”

This verse reminds the believers that no matter the external circumstances, the key to success lies in maintaining taqwa (God-consciousness). The phrase “Wa-’aʿlamū” is used here to emphasize the importance of understanding this truth deeply. The victory at Badr was not won by sheer numbers or military strength; it was won through the grace of Allah, granted to those who upheld their faith and trust in Him.

This verse serves as a timeless reminder for Muslims facing challenges in any era. Whether in personal life, social struggles, or even physical conflict, the message remains clear: righteousness and God-consciousness are the true sources of strength.

“Wa-’aʿlamū” and the Unity of the Muslim Ummah

Another significant lesson tied to “Wa-’aʿlamū” in Para 10 is the emphasis on unity among the believers. In times of difficulty, the Muslim community is commanded to stand together in solidarity. The phrase “Wa-’aʿlamū” occurs in verses where Allah reminds the believers that their strength lies in their collective unity and faith, rather than individual power or prowess.

For instance, Allah instructs in Surah Al-Anfal about the distribution of spoils after the battle:

“Wa-’aʿlamū annamā ghanimtum min shay’in fa’anna lillahi khumusahu wa lil-rasūli”
Translation: “And know that anything you obtain of war booty – then indeed, for Allah is one fifth of it and for the Messenger…”

This verse teaches Muslims about justice, fairness, and the proper division of wealth, particularly in times of war. But beyond the material, the deeper lesson is about maintaining justice in all communal affairs and knowing that these guidelines come from Allah, who is the ultimate source of authority.

“Wa-’aʿlamū” in the Context of Sacrifice

Another important context where “Wa-’aʿlamū” appears is in connection with sacrifice for the sake of Allah. In the same Surah, we are reminded that life itself is a test, and the sacrifices made for Allah’s sake do not go unnoticed.

The believers are encouraged to engage in jihad (struggle in the cause of Allah), and “Wa-’aʿlamū” serves as a reminder that Allah is always aware of their efforts and sacrifices.

“Wa-’aʿlamū annamā amwālukum wa-awlādukum fitna”
Translation: “And know that your wealth and your children are but a trial.”

This verse reminds the believers that the true test of faith often lies in the things that people hold dear—wealth, family, and worldly possessions. While these things are important, they are also potential distractions from the ultimate goal of attaining Allah’s pleasure.

The phrase “Wa-’aʿlamū” here is a powerful reminder that the believers must always be conscious of the transient nature of worldly life and remain focused on what truly matters—obedience to Allah and preparation for the Hereafter.

Practical Lessons from “Wa-’aʿlamū”

  • Taqwa (God-consciousness): The phrase “Wa-’aʿlamū” encourages believers to constantly maintain taqwa. Whether in battle, personal struggles, or societal challenges, taqwa is the foundation of success.
  • Unity and Cooperation: This phrase often introduces commands related to the collective well-being of the Muslim Ummah. It reminds believers to remain united and work together for the common good.
  • Awareness of Life’s Trials: The reminder that wealth, children, and worldly distractions are tests serves to guide Muslims in keeping their priorities aligned with their faith.
  • Obedience to Divine Commands: The knowledge imparted through “Wa-’aʿlamū” is not just intellectual but is meant to be transformative. It calls believers to act upon what they know, fulfilling their responsibilities to Allah and to one another.


The phrase “Wa-’aʿlamū” in Para 10 is more than just a linguistic construct. It is a call to action, urging believers to internalize divine wisdom and apply it in their daily lives. Through reminders about taqwa, unity, sacrifice, and the trials of life, this powerful phrase encapsulates the essence of what it means to live a life in submission to Allah. By reflecting on the context in which “Wa-’aʿlamū” is used, we gain a deeper understanding of the Quran’s teachings and how they are meant to shape our character, our communities, and our relationship with the Creator.