
Go to Allah Before its to Late

10th Rabi-Al-Thani, 1446 - Sun, 13th Oct, 2024 -

  • Fajr: 4:46 AM
  • Zuhr: 11:54 AM
  • Asr: 3:08 PM
  • Magrib: 5:36 PM
  • Isha: 7:06 PM
  • Jumah:2:00 PM

Para 7 – Wa ’Idha Samiʿū (وَإِذَا سَمِعُوا) A Reflection on Ethical Responsibility and Compassion

Para 7 of the Quran, which begins with the phrase “Wa ’Idha Samiʿū” (وَإِذَا سَمِعُوا), meaning “And when they hear,” introduces a powerful message about how people should react to divine revelation, truth, and ethical behavior. This para, like many others in the Quran, emphasizes compassion, justice, understanding, and humility. It speaks to believers, urging them to live by the principles laid out by Allah in their everyday interactions and moral choices. Through this para, the Quran provides practical guidance on the nature of faith, sincere listening, and acting justly when faced with the truth.

In this article, we will explore the key themes of Para 7 – Wa ’Idha Samiʿū, including the importance of receptiveness to truth, the role of compassion, and how individuals should respond when they encounter divine wisdom. We will also reflect on how these teachings can be applied to modern-day life and society.
You can read Para 7 – Wa ’Idha Samiʿū (وَإِذَا سَمِعُوا) with tajweed rules in Arabic.
Para 7 - Wa ’Idha Samiʿū Para 7 - Wa ’Idha Samiʿū Para 7 - Wa ’Idha Samiʿū Para 7 - Wa ’Idha Samiʿū Para 7 - Wa ’Idha Samiʿū Para 7 - Wa ’Idha Samiʿū Para 7 - Wa ’Idha Samiʿū Para 7 - Wa ’Idha Samiʿū Para 7 - Wa ’Idha Samiʿū Para 7 - Wa ’Idha Samiʿū Para 7 - Wa ’Idha Samiʿū Para 7 - Wa ’Idha Samiʿū Para 7 - Wa ’Idha Samiʿū Para 7 - Wa ’Idha Samiʿū Para 7 - Wa ’Idha Samiʿū Para 7 - Wa ’Idha Samiʿū Para 7 - Wa ’Idha Samiʿū Para 7 - Wa ’Idha Samiʿū

The Power of Listening to Truth

The phrase “Wa ’Idha Samiʿū” begins by addressing the importance of listening. In Islam, the act of listening attentively is highly valued. The Quran repeatedly encourages believers to listen with sincerity when they are presented with divine knowledge or ethical guidance. In this context, listening is not merely a passive action but one that requires a thoughtful and heartfelt response.

This particular verse speaks about those who, upon hearing the truth, are moved to tears due to their deep emotional connection with the message. The act of shedding tears upon hearing the truth is seen as a sign of genuine faith and humility. It reflects a person’s awareness of their own shortcomings and the profound impact that divine wisdom has on their soul. The Quran says:

“And when they hear what has been revealed to the Messenger, you will see their eyes overflow with tears because of what they have recognized of the truth” (Surah Al-Ma’idah, 5:83).

This verse highlights that true believers are those whose hearts are open to the truth, and upon hearing it, they are filled with humility and gratitude.

Compassion and Justice in Para 7

Another central theme of Para 7 is the emphasis on compassion and justice. The Quran repeatedly mentions that Allah loves those who act justly and those who show mercy towards others. Compassion is not just about feeling sympathy for someone but also about actively helping those in need, showing kindness in interactions, and working towards a fair society.

In this para, the Quran also highlights the importance of justice in both personal and communal matters. Justice is one of the most emphasized ethical principles in Islam, as it serves as a foundation for peace, harmony, and social cohesion. When individuals or societies stray from justice, corruption and oppression take root.

For example, the Quran condemns those who fail to uphold justice, whether in legal matters, business transactions, or interpersonal relationships. It encourages believers to always stand for justice, even if it goes against their own interests or those of their loved ones. The Quran says:

“O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm in justice, witnesses for Allah, even if it be against yourselves or your parents and relatives.” (Surah An-Nisa, 4:135).

This verse ties into the broader message of Para 7, reminding believers of their responsibility to act with integrity and fairness in all situations.

Humility and Acceptance of Truth

One of the defining characteristics of true believers, as highlighted in Para 7, is humility. Humility is a recurring theme throughout the Quran, and it is emphasized here as an essential virtue that enables individuals to accept the truth when they encounter it.

The Quran contrasts the humble believers with those who are arrogant and proud. While the humble accept the guidance of Allah and the teachings of the Prophet (PBUH), the arrogant reject them due to their inflated sense of self-worth. This rejection of the truth often leads to misguided actions, as pride blinds individuals to their own mistakes and weaknesses.

The Quran frequently reminds believers to remain humble and to recognize that all knowledge, power, and wisdom ultimately belong to Allah. Human beings are merely custodians of these gifts, and they must always be mindful of their limitations. By accepting the truth with humility, believers align themselves with the divine message and live in accordance with Allah’s will.

The Role of Faith and Sincerity

Para 7 – Wa ’Idha Samiʿū also speaks to the importance of faith and sincerity. Sincere faith is one that is rooted in a genuine desire to follow the path of righteousness. It is not enough to simply hear the message of the Quran or acknowledge its truth; believers must internalize this message and act upon it with sincerity.

The Quran makes it clear that those who are insincere in their faith, who act hypocritically or for personal gain, are not truly following the path of Islam. In contrast, those who sincerely believe in Allah and His guidance are those who will be rewarded both in this world and the hereafter.

The sincerity of faith is often reflected in one’s actions. True believers are those who act with integrity, who help others, who speak the truth, and who live by the moral and ethical principles outlined in the Quran. This para emphasizes that those who sincerely follow the teachings of Allah will be guided to success, while those who are insincere will ultimately fail.

Applications to Modern Society

The teachings of Para 7 – Wa ’Idha Samiʿū remain highly relevant in today’s world. In an age where misinformation and divisiveness are rampant, the Quran’s message of listening to the truth and acting with compassion and justice is more important than ever.

For instance, the value of sincere listening is crucial in a time when people often rush to judgment or form opinions without fully understanding the facts. The Quran teaches believers to approach information, especially divine wisdom, with an open heart and mind. In a world dominated by social media, where speech is often unfiltered and harmful, the message of Para 7 serves as a reminder to speak with kindness, seek justice, and avoid spreading falsehoods.

Moreover, the emphasis on humility, justice, and sincerity can help address many of the social and moral issues facing societies today. By fostering an environment where truth is valued, and justice is upheld, communities can work towards peace, fairness, and mutual respect.


Para 7 – Wa ’Idha Samiʿū offers profound insights into how believers should live their lives. By emphasizing the importance of listening to truth, showing compassion, upholding justice, and living with humility and sincerity, this para provides timeless guidance for navigating the complexities of life. The ethical principles outlined in this para serve as a moral compass for individuals and societies alike, helping them foster a more just and compassionate world.