Go to Allah Before its to Late

6th Rabi-Al-Thani, 1446 - Wed, 9th Oct, 2024 -

  • Fajr: 4:43 AM
  • Zuhr: 11:55 AM
  • Asr: 3:12 PM
  • Magrib: 5:41 PM
  • Isha: 7:11 PM
  • Jumah:2:00 PM

Reflection on Para 8 Wa-law Annanā

In the 8 paraWa-law Annanā   the Promise of Divine Blessings through Faith and Righteousness. The Quran, as a source of divine guidance, emphasizes both spiritual and worldly success through faith and piety. One of the significant reflections in Para 8 of the Quran is the phrase “Wa-law Annanā”, which conveys a conditional statement of Allah’s promise. This specific phrase highlights the potential for immense blessings for those who choose to live with belief (Īmān) and righteousness (Taqwa).
Para 8 Wa-law Annanā Para 8 Wa-law Annanā Para 8 Wa-law Annanā Para 8 Wa-law Annanā Para 8 Wa-law Annanā Para 8 Wa-law Annanā Para 8 Wa-law Annanā Para 8 Wa-law Annanā Para 8 Wa-law Annanā Para 8 Wa-law Annanā Para 8 Wa-law Annanā Para 8 Wa-law Annanā Para 8 Wa-law Annanā Para 8 Wa-law Annanā Para 8 Wa-law Annanā Para 8 Wa-law Annanā Para 8 Wa-law Annanā Para 8 Wa-law Annanā

Context of “Wa-law Annanā” in Para 8

In Para 8, the phrase “Wa-law Annanā” is found in Surah Al-A’raf (7:96), where Allah speaks about the people of the towns and how their acceptance of faith and righteous behavior would have opened the gates of blessings from the heavens and the earth. The full verse reads:

“Wa-law Annā Ahlal Qurā Āmanū Wattaqaw Lafataḥnā ‘Alayhim Barakātin Minas-Samā’i Wal-‘Arḍ, Wa Lakin Kadh-dhabū Fa’akhadhnāhum Bimā Kānū Yaksibūn”

“And if the people of the towns had believed and feared Allah, We would have opened for them blessings from the heavens and the earth; but they denied [the messengers], so We seized them for what they were earning.” (Surah Al-A’raf, 7:96)

This verse, marked by the “Wa-law Annanā” phrase, encapsulates a conditional promise from Allah to communities and individuals.

The Promise of Divine Blessings

The phrase “Para 8 Wa-law Annanā” serves as a reminder that faith and righteous behavior are the keys to attracting divine blessings. Allah assures that had the people of previous nations adhered to the principles of belief and taqwa, they would have witnessed immense prosperity. Blessings from both the heavens and the earth symbolize an abundance of sustenance, peace, and prosperity that transcends mere material wealth. It refers to overall well-being, spiritual satisfaction, and harmony in life.

Faith (Īmān) and Righteousness (Taqwa)

In Para 8, Allah makes it clear that His blessings are contingent on faith and taqwa. Faith refers to the belief in Allah, His messengers, and the hereafter. Taqwa, on the other hand, is often translated as God-consciousness or piety, reflecting a life lived in accordance with divine instructions, avoiding sin, and being mindful of Allah in all actions.

The phrase “Wa-law Annanā” reminds us that even though faith and taqwa may seem difficult to practice in certain circumstances, they are the pathway to success, both in this life and the hereafter. This conditional promise teaches us that the doors of blessings will open only when belief is strong and actions are righteous.

Consequences of Denial

The second part of the verse from Para 8 Wa-law Annanā illustrates the opposite scenario: “but they denied [the messengers], so We seized them for what they were earning.” This reflects that despite the clear message, many communities throughout history rejected the prophets and refused to follow divine guidance. As a result, they faced the consequences of their disbelief and actions.

The phrase serves as a powerful warning. It demonstrates that when individuals and societies ignore the truth, they not only lose the chance to receive blessings but also expose themselves to divine retribution. The phrase “We seized them for what they were earning” signifies that Allah’s justice is always carried out, and those who spread corruption or turn away from faith will be held accountable.

Lessons from “Para 8 Wa-law Annanā”

  1. The Importance of Belief and Piety:
    The “Wa-law Annanā” statement underscores that belief and piety are crucial for receiving divine favor. By living a life of faith and adhering to the principles set forth by Allah, we can unlock blessings that are both material and spiritual.
  2. Accountability for Actions:
    Para 8 Wa-law Annanā reminds us that actions have consequences. If we deny the guidance of Allah and engage in corrupt practices, we will eventually face the repercussions of those deeds. However, the opportunity to turn back, repent, and embrace faith is always present.
  3. Hope for Prosperity through Faith:
    This phrase also serves as a beacon of hope. If communities return to faith and adopt righteous living, the blessings of Allah will follow. This applies not only to individual success but also to the collective well-being of entire societies.
  4. A Reflection for Today:
    The lessons from “Para 8 Wa-law Annanā” are as relevant today as they were during the time of revelation. In a world where greed, injustice, and moral decline often prevail, this verse reminds us that true prosperity comes from living in harmony with divine principles. Both individuals and communities that prioritize faith and righteousness will be rewarded with peace, stability, and blessings from Allah.


The phrase “Para 8 Wa-law Annanā” in the Quran is a powerful reminder of the mercy and justice of Allah. It highlights the conditions under which blessings are bestowed—through belief and piety—and serves as a cautionary tale about the consequences of ignoring divine guidance. The lessons found within this verse encourage us to reflect on our own lives, seek a path of righteousness, and strive for the blessings that come from faith and taqwa.

May we all strive to live by the message of “Para 8 Wa-law Annanā” and work towards a life that is pleasing to Allah, filled with blessings and success in both this world and the hereafter.