
Go to Allah Before its to Late

7th Ramadan, 1446 - Fri, 7th Mar, 2025 -

  • Fajr: 5:04 AM
  • Zuhr: 12:19 PM
  • Asr: 3:38 PM
  • Magrib: 6:09 PM
  • Isha: 7:39 PM
  • Jumah:2:00 PM

Free Download Surah Al Mudassir

Surah Al Mudassir Read Online
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Surah Al-Mudassir (Arabic: ٱلْمُدَّثِّرُ) is the 74th chapter of the Holy Quran. The title “Al-Mudassir” means “The One Who is Covered” or “The Cloaked One,” referring to someone wrapped in a cloak. This surah contains 56 verses (ayahs) and was revealed in Makkah, making it a Makki surah. It is located in the 29th Juz (part) of the Quran. The name comes from the first verse of the surah, where Allah addresses the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) with the words “O you who are wrapped up (in a cloak).” The term “Al-Mudassir” is not a title, but simply a reference to the surah’s content.

You can read the full Arabic text of Surah Al-Mudassir online.
Surah Mudassir Surah Mudassir


Surah Al-Mudassir, the 74th chapter of the Quran, holds great significance in Islamic tradition as one of the early revelations to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Its name, “Al-Mudassir,” meaning “The Cloaked One” or “The One Who is Covered,” refers to the Prophet when he was first instructed to rise and warn humanity about the coming of Judgment Day. This Makki surah, consisting of 56 verses, is located in the 29th Juz of the Quran. It addresses the key themes of the prophetic mission, the call to Islam, the importance of purification, and the inevitability of accountability. In this article, we will delve into the meaning, themes, and significance of Surah Al-Mudassir, offering insights into its relevance for believers.

Background and Context of Revelation

Surah Al-Mudassir was revealed during the early days of the Prophet Muhammad’s mission, soon after the first revelation of Surah Al-Alaq. In this period, the Prophet (PBUH) was still coming to terms with the enormity of his role as the final messenger of Allah. The word “Mudassir” is mentioned in the opening verse, where Allah addresses the Prophet directly:

“O you who covers himself [with a garment], arise and warn” (Surah Al-Mudassir, 74:1-2).

These verses mark a pivotal moment in the life of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), where he is urged to take on his mission as a warner and guide for humanity. The surah was revealed in Makkah, at a time when the Prophet was preaching the message of monotheism in a society deeply rooted in idol worship and moral corruption. This surah emphasizes the urgency of spreading the message of Islam, warning against the consequences of disbelief.

Key Themes in Surah Al-Mudassir

The Call to Prophethood

The opening verses of Surah Al-Mudassir contain a direct command from Allah to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to rise and take on his mission. Allah calls on the Prophet to warn people about the reality of the Hereafter and the consequences of their actions. This command signals the beginning of the Prophet’s public mission, where he is not only required to receive the message but also to convey it to others, regardless of the opposition he may face.

“Arise and warn. And magnify your Lord” (Surah Al-Mudassir, 74:2-3).

The Prophet is instructed to magnify Allah, highlighting the fundamental message of Tawhid (the Oneness of Allah). By calling people to worship Allah alone, the Prophet fulfills his role as a warner and guide, urging people to turn away from idol worship and submit to the will of the Creator.

Personal Purification and Patience

Surah Al-Mudassir also emphasizes the importance of personal purification and patience in the face of adversity. The Prophet is commanded to purify his garments, which can be understood both literally and metaphorically as a call for spiritual and physical cleanliness. This indicates that a messenger must lead by example, embodying the values of purity, righteousness, and steadfastness in the face of opposition.

“And your clothing purify. And uncleanliness avoid” (Surah Al-Mudassir, 74:4-5).

These verses also serve as a reminder to all believers to maintain inner and outer purity, both in their actions and their intentions. The command to avoid uncleanliness refers to both physical impurities and spiritual corruption, urging Muslims to stay away from sinful behavior.

The Reality of the Hereafter

One of the central themes in Surah Al-Mudassir is the warning about the Day of Judgment and the consequences of disbelief. The surah vividly describes the fate of those who reject the message of Islam and choose to remain in a state of disbelief. It paints a picture of the horrors that await the disbelievers in Hellfire, serving as a stark reminder of the accountability that every individual will face in the Hereafter.

“Then when the Horn is blown, that Day will be a difficult day for the disbelievers — not easy” (Surah Al-Mudassir, 74:8-10).

These verses stress the urgency of repentance and submission to Allah before it is too late. The imagery of the Day of Judgment is meant to shake the hearts of those who are complacent in their disbelief, urging them to reconsider their actions and beliefs before facing the ultimate consequences.

Warnings Against Arrogance and Rejection of Faith

Surah Al-Mudassir contains a specific reference to a notorious figure from Makkah named Al-Walid ibn Al-Mughira, who was a prominent opponent of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the message of Islam. Al-Walid was known for his arrogance and wealth, and he rejected the message of the Quran despite recognizing its truth. Allah reveals verses condemning his attitude and arrogance, highlighting that wealth and status will not save anyone from the wrath of Allah if they persist in their rejection of faith.

“Leave Me with the one I created alone. And to whom I granted extensive wealth” (Surah Al-Mudassir, 74:11-12).

These verses serve as a broader warning to all those who, like Al-Walid, are blinded by their arrogance and material success. The surah makes it clear that worldly wealth and power are meaningless in the Hereafter, where everyone will be judged based on their faith and deeds.

The Role of the Prophet as a Warner

In the later verses, the surah reaffirms the role of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a warner to humanity. His mission is to convey the message of Allah, but he cannot force people to believe. The surah highlights the Prophet’s duty to deliver the message with patience, even in the face of rejection and hostility from the disbelievers.

“This is a reminder for whoever wills to remember it. And they will not remember except that Allah wills” (Surah Al-Mudassir, 74:54-56).

These verses remind believers that guidance ultimately comes from Allah. The Prophet’s responsibility is to deliver the message, but acceptance of that message is in the hands of Allah.

Spiritual and Practical Lessons from Surah Al-Mudassir

Surah Al-Mudassir offers valuable spiritual and practical lessons for believers. It emphasizes the importance of personal purification, both physically and spiritually, reminding Muslims to strive for righteousness in their daily lives. The surah also serves as a reminder of the reality of the Hereafter and the consequences of disbelief, urging individuals to remain conscious of their actions and intentions.

The call to rise and warn, as given to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), also serves as a broader reminder to all Muslims to take responsibility for spreading the message of Islam and living as examples of faith in their communities. Furthermore, the surah’s warnings against arrogance and materialism offer timeless lessons for those who prioritize worldly success over spiritual fulfillment.


Surah Al-Mudassir is a profound chapter that marks the early days of the Prophet Muhammad’s mission and sets the tone for his role as a warner to humanity. Its themes of monotheism, personal purification, the Hereafter, and the dangers of arrogance resonate with believers today, offering guidance on how to live a life of faith and righteousness. As one of the early revelations, this surah underscores the urgency of the Prophet’s mission and serves as a reminder of the eternal truths found in the Quran. By reflecting on its teachings and applying its lessons, Muslims can strengthen their relationship with Allah and prepare for the ultimate accountability that awaits in the Hereafter.