
Go to Allah Before its to Late

5th Ramadan, 1446 - Thu, 6th Mar, 2025 -

  • Fajr: 5:06 AM
  • Zuhr: 12:19 PM
  • Asr: 3:37 PM
  • Magrib: 6:07 PM
  • Isha: 7:37 PM
  • Jumah:2:00 PM

Sura An-Nur read online

Sura An-Nur read online

Sūrah an-Nūr (النور), the 24th chapter of the Quran, consists of 9 rukus, 64 verses, 1381 words, and 5755 letters. It is a Madni surah, found in the 18th para of the Quran, and its name translates to “The Light.” This surah addresses important guidelines for interpersonal and family relationships. Verses 2-8, known as Ayat al-Ahkam, provide legal rulings. Surah an-Nūr also discusses the hijab, interactions between men and women, and the punishment for fornication. It further delves into topics like marriage, its conditions, and family laws. Caliph Umer bin al-Khaṭṭāb once wrote to the people of Kūfah, “Teach your women Sūrah al-Noor.” Additionally, Imam Sadiq advised, “Recite Sura An-Nur daily to safeguard your property and maintain your chastity. By adhering to its commandments, you can protect your wives from straying.”

You can read Surah An Nur in Arabic text with tajweed rules here.
Surah An Nur Surah An Nur Surah An Nur Surah An Nur Surah An Nur Surah An Nur Surah An Nur Surah An Nur Surah An Nur

Surah An Nur

Surah An-Nur: An Insight into Its Teachings and Relevance Today

The Quran, as the final revelation, is a comprehensive guide for humanity, addressing various aspects of life. One of the remarkable chapters of the Quran is Surah An-Nur (النور), which holds the 24th position among its 114 chapters. This surah is known for its profound teachings on societal laws, morality, family life, and interpersonal relationships. It emphasizes the importance of modesty, chastity, and justice, serving as a critical guide for Muslims in both personal and social contexts.

Overview of Surah An-Nur

Surah An-Nur, a Madni surah, is situated in the 18th para (section) of the Quran. It consists of 64 verses, 9 rukus (sections), 1381 words, and 5755 letters. The title “An-Nur” translates to “The Light,” symbolizing the spiritual and moral illumination that the surah brings to believers. The overarching theme of this chapter is the establishment of a righteous society based on divine laws.

This surah is particularly significant for its focus on family life, modesty, and justice. It provides specific legal rulings known as Ayat al-Ahkam (verses 2-8), which pertain to various aspects of social behavior. These laws are essential for maintaining harmony and discipline within a community.

The Central Themes of Surah An-Nur

1. Modesty and Chastity

One of the core messages of Surah An-Nur is the importance of modesty and chastity, particularly in relationships between men and women. The surah provides explicit guidelines on how both men and women should conduct themselves in a modest manner, emphasizing the need to guard one’s chastity.

The concept of hijab, or modest dress, is also addressed in this surah. In verse 31, the Quran instructs believing women to lower their gaze, guard their modesty, and not display their beauty except to their immediate family members and specific others. This teaching aims to create a modest society where dignity and respect between genders are preserved.

Similarly, men are advised in verse 30 to lower their gaze and guard their chastity. These guidelines are not merely about physical appearance but encompass a broader call for moral integrity and mutual respect in social interactions.

2. Laws Regarding Fornication

Another significant aspect of Surah An-Nur is its emphasis on lawful relationships and the prohibition of illicit sexual activity. In verses 2-8, the surah outlines the punishment for fornication and adultery, highlighting the seriousness of these sins in Islamic law.

The prescribed punishment for fornication is 100 lashes, but this ruling comes with strict conditions, including the need for four reliable witnesses who have directly observed the act. This serves as a deterrent not only to the crime itself but also to false accusations, which can severely damage reputations and families.

The surah also emphasizes the protection of individuals’ dignity by prohibiting false accusations of adultery, known as qadhf. Those who falsely accuse others without providing the necessary evidence are to be punished with 80 lashes, as mentioned in verse 4. This law is intended to prevent slander and protect the moral fabric of society.

3. The Importance of Marriage

Marriage is regarded as a cornerstone of Islamic society, and Surah An-Nur offers guidance on this institution. The surah encourages Muslims to marry and discourages celibacy. In verse 32, it states, “And marry those among you who are single… if they are poor, Allah will enrich them out of His bounty.”

This verse underscores that marriage should be accessible to all, regardless of economic status, as wealth is ultimately in the hands of Allah. It also emphasizes that marriage is not merely a social contract but a means of safeguarding chastity and promoting stability within the community.

4. Rules for Interactions within the Household

The surah also addresses the etiquette of entering homes, establishing rules that ensure privacy and respect within households. In verse 27, believers are instructed to seek permission before entering someone’s home, stating: “O you who have believed, do not enter houses other than your own houses until you ascertain welcome and greet their inhabitants.”

This rule promotes mutual respect and helps maintain the sanctity of private spaces. It is an essential aspect of fostering a culture of trust and consideration within the community.

5. The Parable of Light

One of the most beautiful and spiritually uplifting verses in the Quran is found in Surah An-Nur, often referred to as the “Ayat of Light” (verse 35). This verse metaphorically describes Allah as the light of the heavens and the earth. The imagery of a lamp placed inside a glass, which shines brightly, reflects the way divine guidance illuminates the hearts of believers.

This parable serves as a reminder of the divine presence in every aspect of life. It encourages Muslims to seek light from Allah through faith, righteous actions, and adherence to the principles laid out in the Quran.

The Role of Surah An-Nur in Shaping Islamic Society

The teachings of Surah An-Nur are not confined to individual morality but extend to the collective well-being of society. By addressing family laws, modesty, and justice, the surah provides a framework for creating a morally upright community.

The legal verses in Surah An-Nur, particularly those concerning fornication and slander, serve as essential guidelines for maintaining social order and protecting individual dignity. The emphasis on marriage further strengthens the institution of the family, which is the bedrock of Islamic society.

The concept of modesty, as outlined in this surah, is not only about clothing but also about behavior, intentions, and interactions. By promoting modesty in all aspects of life, Surah An-Nur fosters a respectful and harmonious environment where individuals’ rights are protected, and social corruption is minimized.

The Enduring Relevance of Surah An-Nur

In today’s world, where issues related to modesty, morality, and family structure are often debated, the teachings of Surah An-Nur remain as relevant as ever. The surah provides timeless guidance on how to navigate complex social relationships while maintaining personal integrity and respect for others.

The emphasis on modesty is particularly significant in modern societies, where there is often a clash between individual freedom and societal norms. Surah An-Nur offers a balanced approach, encouraging personal responsibility and respect for communal values.

The legal rulings on marriage and family life are also crucial in contemporary discussions about the institution of marriage. By advocating for accessible and stable marriages, the surah provides a solution to many of the challenges faced by families today.


Surah An-Nur is a profound chapter of the Quran that offers comprehensive guidance on personal and social behavior. Its teachings on modesty, marriage, and justice are essential for building a righteous and harmonious society. As Muslims continue to seek guidance from the Quran in their daily lives, the timeless wisdom of Surah An-Nur remains a beacon of light, guiding them toward a life of moral integrity, social justice, and spiritual fulfillment.