
Go to Allah Before its to Late

8th Shaaban, 1446 - Fri, 7th Feb, 2025 -

  • Fajr: 5:32 AM
  • Zuhr: 12:22 PM
  • Asr: 3:22 PM
  • Magrib: 5:44 PM
  • Isha: 7:14 PM
  • Jumah:2:00 PM

The Significance of “Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi” in Para 17 of the Quran

Para 17 “Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi” (اِقْتَرَبَ لِلنَّاسِ (Juz 17) of the Quran begins with the powerful phrase , which translates to “The Hour has drawn near for the people.” This opening verse serves as a profound reminder of the Day of Judgment, urging humanity to reflect on the proximity of that inevitable moment. The phrase is from Surah Al-Anbiya (21:1), and it emphasizes that the signs of the Last Day are approaching. In this article, we will explore the meaning of “Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi,” its contextual significance, and the lessons it imparts to believers.

para 17 Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi para 17 Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi para 17 Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi para 17 Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi para 17 Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi para 17 Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi para 17 Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi para 17 Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi para 17 Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi para 17 Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi para 17 Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi para 17 Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi para 17 Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi para 17 Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi para 17 Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi para 17 Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi para 17 Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi para 17 Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi

What Does “Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi” Mean?

The phrase “Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi” combines two key terms: “Iqtaraba” (اِقْتَرَبَ), meaning “has drawn near,” and “li’n-nāsi” (لِلنَّاسِ), meaning “for the people.” Together, this phrase indicates that something significant, in this case, the Day of Judgment (also known as the Hour), is rapidly approaching humanity. It serves as a warning to mankind that time is limited, and the signs of the Last Day are unfolding.

The Quran frequently reminds believers of the approaching Day of Judgment to encourage reflection on life’s purpose and the accountability that will follow. The phrase “Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi” is intended to create a sense of urgency, prompting individuals to reconsider their actions and align their lives with the teachings of Islam.

Contextual Usage of “Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi” in the Quran

“Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi” is found at the beginning of Surah Al-Anbiya (21:1), which states:

“اقْتَرَبَ لِلنَّاسِ حِسَابُهُمْ وَهُمْ فِي غَفْلَةٍ مُّعْرِضُونَ”

Translation: “Their reckoning has come close for the people, while they are in heedlessness turning away.”

This verse emphasizes that while the Day of Judgment is near, many people remain oblivious, distracted by worldly pursuits and neglecting their responsibilities to Allah. It serves as a stark reminder that the time for self-reflection and repentance is limited, and yet, many continue to live in a state of denial or neglect.

Lessons from “Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi”

The phrase “Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi” carries several critical lessons for believers, urging them to reflect on their lives and prepare for the Day of Judgment.

1. The Nearness of the Day of Judgment

One of the most immediate lessons from “Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi” is the reminder that the Day of Judgment is not a distant event but one that is drawing near. The Quran repeatedly emphasizes that life is fleeting, and each individual will be held accountable for their actions.

Believers are encouraged to reflect on their lives and consider whether they are fulfilling their responsibilities to Allah and living according to His commandments. The nearness of the Hour serves as a call to prioritize spiritual growth, righteous deeds, and sincere repentance.

2. The Dangers of Heedlessness

The verse also highlights the dangers of heedlessness (غَفْلَة, ghaflah). Many people become preoccupied with worldly distractions, such as wealth, power, or material success, and neglect their spiritual obligations. The Quran warns against this state of heedlessness, as it can lead to a life devoid of purpose and disconnection from Allah.

In Surah Al-Anbiya, the phrase “while they are in heedlessness turning away” underscores the tragedy of ignoring the signs of Allah and the reminders of the Hereafter. Believers are encouraged to avoid this state by remaining mindful of their spiritual duties and continuously seeking to improve their relationship with Allah.

3. Accountability and Preparation

“Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi” also serves as a reminder of accountability. On the Day of Judgment, every individual will be held accountable for their actions, words, and intentions. The Quran encourages believers to reflect on their lives, seek forgiveness for their mistakes, and make amends where necessary.

Preparing for the Day of Judgment involves living a life of righteousness, engaging in acts of worship, charity, and kindness, and avoiding sins and harmful behavior. The phrase “Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi” acts as a wake-up call to ensure that believers are constantly working toward a life that is pleasing to Allah.

Practical Applications of “Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi” in Daily Life

Understanding the significance of “Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi” can inspire believers to adopt meaningful changes in their daily lives. Here are some practical applications:

1. Prioritizing Spiritual Goals

Given the nearness of the Day of Judgment, it is essential to prioritize spiritual goals over worldly distractions. This means dedicating time to prayer, reciting the Quran, and engaging in acts of kindness and charity. By focusing on spiritual growth, believers can ensure that they are preparing for the Hereafter.

Setting daily, weekly, or monthly spiritual goals can help keep one’s faith strong. These goals might include memorizing a portion of the Quran, increasing time spent in prayer, or performing good deeds for others.

2. Reflecting on Personal Accountability

The reminder that every individual will be held accountable for their actions should prompt regular self-reflection. Believers are encouraged to examine their behavior and ask themselves whether they are living in accordance with Islamic values.

This reflection should be an ongoing process, allowing individuals to identify areas for improvement and work toward becoming better versions of themselves. Seeking forgiveness from Allah and making a sincere intention to avoid sinful behavior are key components of this self-reflection.

3. Staying Mindful of Worldly Distractions

Heedlessness is a common theme in the Quran, as many people become preoccupied with worldly pursuits. The phrase “Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi” reminds believers to stay mindful of the temporary nature of this life and to avoid becoming overly attached to material possessions, status, or success.

Balancing worldly responsibilities with spiritual obligations is essential. While it is necessary to engage in work, education, and family life, believers should ensure that these pursuits do not overshadow their relationship with Allah or their preparation for the Hereafter.


The phrase “Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi” in Para 17 of the Quran serves as a powerful reminder of the nearness of the Day of Judgment. It encourages believers to reflect on their lives, avoid the distractions of heedlessness, and prepare for the inevitable accountability that awaits.

By embracing the lessons from “Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi,” believers can prioritize their spiritual growth, stay mindful of their actions, and work toward a life that aligns with the teachings of Islam. This phrase acts as a call to action, urging us to live with purpose, seek forgiveness, and prepare for the ultimate reckoning.

As we navigate the complexities of life, let us remember. The importance of staying connected to Allah, avoiding heedlessness, and preparing. The Day when our deeds will be weighed. Through reflection and sincere effort, we can ensure that we are ready for the moment when “the Hour has drawn near for the people.”

