
Go to Allah Before its to Late

12th Rabi-Al-Thani, 1446 - Tue, 15th Oct, 2024 -

  • Fajr: 4:47 AM
  • Zuhr: 11:53 AM
  • Asr: 3:06 PM
  • Magrib: 5:34 PM
  • Isha: 7:04 PM
  • Jumah:2:00 PM

Para 22: The Importance of “Wa-Man Yaqnut” in the Quran

Para 22 Wa-Man Yaqnut (وَمَن يَقْنُتْ) is a phrase that appears in Para 22 of the Quran. It translates to “And whoever is obedient” or “And whoever devotes themselves to Allah.” The phrase encapsulates the essence of submission, faith, and piety in the life of a believer. Para 22 covers various teachings about obedience to Allah, establishing a strong connection between devotion and divine reward. In this article, we will explore the significance of the phrase “Wa-Man Yaqnut,” its context in the Quran, and how it guides Muslims toward leading a righteous life.


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Understanding the Meaning of “Wa-Man Yaqnut”

The phrase “Wa-Man Yaqnut” is derived from the Arabic root “qanata,” which means to submit, be obedient, or to show devout humility toward Allah. In the Islamic faith, obedience to Allah is the cornerstone of a Muslim’s spiritual journey. It represents a conscious and willing submission to the will of Allah, following His commandments, and seeking His pleasure.

This concept of obedience is not just limited to acts of worship but encompasses every aspect of a believer’s life, including moral conduct, interactions with others, and adherence to ethical principles. “Wa-Man Yaqnut” reminds believers that devotion to Allah is a holistic approach to life, combining faith, action, and intention.

The Context of “Wa-Man Yaqnut” in Para 22

The phrase “Wa-Man Yaqnut” appears in Surah Al-Ahzab (33:31), where Allah addresses the wives of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and gives them guidance on how to live a life of piety and devotion.

وَمَن يَقْنُتْ مِنكُنَّ لِلَّهِ وَرَسُولِهِۦ وَتَعْمَلْ صَـٰلِحًۭا نُّؤْتِهَآ أَجْرَهَا مَرَّتَيْنِ وَأَعْتَدْنَا لَهَا رِزْقًۭا كَرِيمًا

Translation: “And whoever of you devoutly obeys Allah and His Messenger and does righteousness, We will give her a double reward, and We have prepared for her a noble provision.”

This verse speaks directly to the wives of the Prophet, offering them special recognition for their obedience and righteousness. However, the lessons from this verse are applicable to all believers. It reinforces the idea that those who dedicate themselves to Allah and live righteous lives will be rewarded both in this world and the Hereafter.

The phrase “Wa-Man Yaqnut” serves as a reminder that obedience to Allah and His Messenger is the path to attaining divine rewards and blessings.

The Significance of Obedience in Islam

Obedience (qanat) to Allah is one of the core tenets of Islam. The concept of obedience is directly linked to faith (iman) and is reflected in every aspect of a Muslim’s life. A believer’s obedience to Allah can be divided into several key aspects:

1. Obedience in Worship

Obedience to Allah first and foremost involves performing acts of worship (ibadah) such as prayer (Salah), fasting (Sawm), giving charity (Zakat), and performing the pilgrimage (Hajj). These acts are fundamental to the Islamic faith and serve as a means of building a strong relationship with Allah.

The phrase “Wa-Man Yaqnut” implies that true devotion is reflected in one’s worship. Regular and sincere acts of worship are the most direct forms of obedience to Allah, bringing the believer closer to Him.

2. Obedience in Following Divine Commands

Obedience to Allah extends beyond the rituals of worship. It also includes following the divine commandments regarding behavior, ethics, and interactions with others. The Quran and Hadith provide comprehensive guidance on how a Muslim should conduct themselves in various aspects of life, including family relationships, business dealings, and community interactions.

“Wa-Man Yaqnut” reminds believers that being obedient to Allah means adhering to His laws in all aspects of life, not just during moments of worship. For example, honesty, kindness, and justice are essential qualities that should be practiced consistently.

3. Obedience to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Obedience to Allah is closely linked to obedience to His Messenger, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The Prophet is regarded as the best example for Muslims to follow, and his teachings and practices (Sunnah) provide practical guidance on how to live according to Allah’s will.

The verse in which “Wa-Man Yaqnut” is mentioned specifically emphasizes the importance of obeying both Allah and His Messenger. This dual obedience is essential for leading a life of righteousness and attaining Allah’s pleasure.

The Rewards of Obedience to Allah

The Quran and Hadith are full of promises about the rewards that await those who are obedient to Allah. In the context of the verse from Surah Al-Ahzab, Allah promises a double reward to those who devoutly obey Him and perform righteous deeds. This highlights the immense value of obedience in Islam and the generosity of Allah’s rewards for those who follow His commands.

1. Double Rewards

For the wives of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the promise of double rewards was a special privilege due to their unique position in supporting the Prophet’s mission. However, this concept can also apply to ordinary believers who make extraordinary efforts in their obedience to Allah.

Muslims are encouraged to go above and beyond in their devotion, and those who do so can expect their rewards to be multiplied. Acts such as voluntary fasting, giving charity, or extra prayers are all ways in which believers can increase their good deeds and earn additional rewards from Allah.

2. Noble Provision in the Hereafter

The promise of “noble provision” mentioned in the verse refers to the rewards that Allah has prepared for the righteous in the Hereafter. These rewards include the pleasures of Paradise, eternal peace, and the joy of being in Allah’s presence.

Obedience to Allah, as emphasized by “Wa-Man Yaqnut,” is the key to attaining these eternal rewards. The Quran frequently reminds believers that their actions in this world will determine their fate in the Hereafter. Therefore, striving to be obedient to Allah in all matters is essential for those who seek the ultimate reward of Paradise.

The Role of Obedience in Building a Righteous Society

The concept of “Wa-Man Yaqnut” also has broader implications for the Muslim community as a whole. When individuals within a society are obedient to Allah and His commandments, it leads to a more just, moral, and harmonious society. Obedience to divine laws fosters mutual respect, honesty, and compassion among people.

1. Strengthening Family Bonds

In the verse where “Wa-Man Yaqnut” is mentioned, the wives of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are given specific guidance on how to conduct themselves within the family. This highlights the importance of obedience to Allah in maintaining strong and healthy family relationships.

Obedience to Allah’s laws concerning family life, such as being kind to parents, raising children with good moral values, and maintaining marital harmony, strengthens the fabric of society. A family that lives in obedience to Allah sets a positive example for others and contributes to the overall well-being of the community.

2. Promoting Justice and Fairness

Obedience to Allah also entails upholding justice and fairness in all dealings. The Quran instructs believers to act justly, even when it may be against their own interests. This principle of justice is a key aspect of Islamic teachings and is essential for creating a society that is free from oppression and corruption.

The phrase “Wa-Man Yaqnut” reminds believers that obedience to Allah includes standing up for what is right and ensuring that justice prevails in all situations.


“Wa-Man Yaqnut” is a powerful phrase found in Para 22 of the Quran, emphasizing the importance of obedience and devotion to Allah. It serves as a reminder for all believers that true faith is demonstrated through submission to Allah’s will, both in acts of worship and in everyday life. By living in obedience to Allah and His Messenger, Muslims can earn divine rewards, strengthen their faith, and contribute to a more just and righteous society.

The phrase also highlights the personal and spiritual benefits of obedience, such as attaining peace, contentment, and the ultimate reward of Paradise. As Muslims reflect on the message of “Wa-Man Yaqnut,” they are encouraged to renew their commitment to living a life of devotion, righteousness, and moral integrity.